In an electrifying fusion of talent, electronic music powerhouses Don Diablo and Felix Jaehn release their much-anticipated collaborative track, “Monster,” via HEXAGON. Drawing inspiration from the...
Major Lazer, the brainchild of Diplo, Walshy Fire, and Ape Drums, has been equally influential, merging dancehall with electronic beats into massive global chart hits such...
The return of the HEXAGON PRESENTS series starts off in London, UK. This club-night held at Colours Hoxton will be the center of a massive spectacle....
German-based talents JustLuke and duo-act Inpetto are back and have combined forces for their newest release. For their new single “Drowning” they enlisted the female vocal talent...
Dutch prodigious DJ/producer and heavyweight Dannic is back and just dropped his newest release for 2021. For this one he collaborated with the beautiful and renowned...
His ‘Destination Hexagonia’ concert sold in just four minutes at a whopping $1,259,280 (or 600.0 ETHEREUM) Dutch DJ/Producer Don Pepijn Schipper, best known as Don Diablo...
Don Diablo’s imprint Hexagon brings us another fantastic release. For this one the UK based Malarkey teams up with Dutch talents Mick Mazoo and Willemijn May....
Don Diablo sells out his only live show this summer Germans might have found the solution to tackle the need for people enjoying their favorite DJs...
Already announced at the New York Comic Con last year and now available for the masses, Don Diablo himself wrote a captivating five-part sci-fi mini-series. With...
Saturday January 18th was the day that Salvatore Ganacci would set Germany’s famed Bootshaus on fire. Originally the event was scheduled for December but due to...
Or how to sell out two nights at the Bootshaus. For most people, December is the most expensive and time consuming month of the year. That...
There are not many DJ’s these days that are as successful as an entrepreneur as the founding father of the worldwide Hexagon movement and the living...
On the brink of securing the #6 spot in DJ Mag’s Top 100 DJs poll of 2019, dance music hero Don Diablo is at it again...