Music Releases
Kantor Delivers “Floppy Disk” Single
Following his previous 2021 releases “Blasted,” “Beside Me,” and “Power On,” Kantor is here with his newest offering. This time around taking shape as “Floppy Disk,” the track fits wonderfully into the rest of his versatile discography.
Built together with a glitchy beginning, everything about “Floppy Disk” is fun, creative, and engaging. It’s tracks like these that spice things up a bit and shake up sounds to mesh together in a new and exciting way. Maintaining an essential cyber-punk theme, “Floppy Disk” incorporates a minimalist theme whilst involving elements of house basslines, and attention-grabbing beats.
“‘Floppy Disk’ is the next step forward in regards to the sound design I’ve dreamt of for many years. There was a desire to continue to meld the elements of Techno and Bass Music, and with ‘Floppy Disk’, the result was really fun. The lyrics are my take on someone who doesn’t understand old computers and is just confused, while using the play on words of “insert that hard copy” in both a literal and metaphorical way. The result turned out exactly how I wanted, and is sure to be an experience when listening in a car or with a sub!” – Kantor
Electronic artist Kantor is a terrific new flavor to the dance scene. His musical magnetic pull boasts a wide array of stylistic choices and moods, ranging from tempos that commonly include mid-tempo to house structures, to the occasional melodic trap tune thrown in for good measure. “Floppy Disk” is a fantastic new addition to his repertoire, stay tuned for more to come by Kantor.