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A Warsteiner PAROOKAVILLE Wedding at The City of Love & Interview with MOGUAI



Finally after two years of missing out on celebrating love, life and most importantly friendships, we are back on the holy grounds of PAROOKAVILLE. There are so many crazy things to do during this four days of pure joy. One of these things is getting married there. Now you may say “Married?” Surely this must be a fake wedding at a festival just for fun. But alas this is not a joke wedding. Every year a selected couple among hundreds of applicants has the chance to marry at this festival. Applications came from couples ranging from Kiel to Konstanz, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people fresh from high school and even one couple with birth year of 1952. But the ultimate decision went to the German couple Sati and Jan to have their fully sponsored “Warsteiner” dream wedding at PAROOKAVILLE.

“The fact that we stand for love and openness together with PAROOKAVILLE is proven not only by our colorful festival weddings in recent years, but also by the response of the fans and the variety of the more than 660 entries that have reached us this year. None of the couples made the decision easy for us, but in the end Sati and Jan overwhelmed us with a lot of love and joie de vivre. We are so excited to give them both an unforgettable and one and only wedding.” – Nadja Gärtner (Warsteiner Brewery)

With PAROOKAVILLE being Germany’s biggest music festival (210.00 visitors) they naturally have a lot of sponsoring for the festival. One of these sponsors is the German brewery Warsteiner. Not are they only supplying the whole festival with beer, they also have specially made beer cans just for PAROOKAVILLE. One of the highlights is definitely the sponsored wedding at their specially build church for this festival. The church is beautiful, fitting in the whole ambiance of the “four day”-city that houses shops, a postal office, carnival, a swimming pool, a nail salon but also banks and other commodities that you find in a real city. Each year you will see new commodities added you haven’t seen the year before. Like any natural city this city also keeps on growing.

“Warsteiner has perfectly embraced the spirit of our “Madness-City” from the very beginning and the wedding is one of the highlights for our citizens every year. We are therefore looking forward to a lot of love in the Warsteiner Parooka Church this year – you can hardly get married in Germany in a more unique way!” – Bernd Dicks (co-founder PAROKAAVILLE)

Interview with MOGUAI

We are here at PAROOKAVILLE with the one and only DJ MOGUAI. He has just been the best man to the newly wed couple Sati and Jan. We are here to discuss the wedding, PAROOKAVILLE and his future.

Nocturnal Times: How did you become the best men at this PAROOKAVILLE wedding and how does it feel for you to be part of this occasion?

MOGUAI: I feel Honored. PAROOKAVILLE and I go way back. For example I was the first DJ to host the press-conference. Also became a good friend of one of the owners (Bernd Dicks) of PAROOKAVILLE. Becoming the best men was actually kinda funny. It was not long ago that I was on my way to Miami and at the Airport in Zurich (Swiss) I bumped in to Nadja (from Warsteiner). She asked me how I would feel about becoming the best men at the next PAROOKAVILLE-wedding. Since I love this festival so much I immediately said yes. It was great meeting the couple (Sati and Jan), they are such a lovingly couple. The seriousness and commitment they showed towards the whole wedding. You could tell they were serious about this from the start and that showed throughout the wedding. It was just a great experience overall for me to be part of this.

Nocturnal Times: You have been part of PAROOKAVILLE from the start. How does it feel to back after two years? And what is it you look forward to the most this weekend?

MOGUAI: I am thrilled but it did not feel like two years for me. Those two years passed by so quickly it is kinda weird. But now it feels grea to see to many great people back at this location. Everybody is so full of energy, euphoric that is something I really like seeing. These grounds, this festival is a place of energy. It is great to be part of this collective mindset. I am really looking forward to play Bills Factory (the second mainstage). I like that stage even more then the mainstage, you are closer to the people you want to reach and it feels more like an open air club to me. Being closer to the crowd lets you see and feel their energy even more intense. So excited to be playing there later on.

Nocturnal Times: What does PAROOKAVILLE mean to you?

MOGUAI: For me it is one of the biggest German Festivals that happens to be in a region I grew up in. So that already is incredible for me to have seen it grow over these past couple of years. And maybe you know that the first PAROOKAVILLE-festival anthem “Lessons” with Nico Santos. I love the line-up at PAROOKAVILLE it is so divers, so many styles on different stages. Everyone will find their way to their favorite stage and that is great about this festival. So many things to hear and explore.

Nocturnal Times: You will be playing two sets this weekend. Anything special you have planned for us? How do you prepare your sets during such events?

MOGUAI: Well for me I like to play tracks I like in general but I also pay huge attention to the crowd. If I feel that a certain track is to “new” I adapt easily. I do not really prepare sets I just like to go with the flow. I like to pretend that it is me on the dancefloor dancing and I like to play for that moment. For me it is important that the crowd has a good time and enjoys the music.

Nocturnal Times: You just finished a tour in the States, could you tell us what is the difference between the US and European crowd? And when will we see you back in the states again?

MOGUAI: I think a huge difference is that compared to Europeans the Americans have a shorter timeframe to dance then Europeans. Clubs usually close at 2 in the states and they usually go there at midnight so that leaves a very short timeframe for them to party. And in that time they give it all they got and try to have the best time they can, where as Europeans usually have the option to party till 6 in the morning. And yes I am looking forward to play in the States again. You will see me definitely September/ October.

Nocturnal Times: What does the future hold in store for you? What are you working on currently that you want to share with us?

MOGUAI: Wow, well let me think. I think the most surprising news will be that I just signed with Sony with my Punx label. I am really excited about this next step. I will be releasing two full albums on Punx. My first single release will be a collaboration with Watermät. The first MOGUAI single will be called “beatbox” and will have a Kryder & Cassimm remix. Furthermore I have a collaboration with Baskha (Alok’s brother) in the works. I will be releasing music on other labels. Like I did with Oliver Heldens, Repopulate Mars or Fisher for example. But not as much as before my main focus now will be my label Punx.

Nocturnal Times: What is it you want to share with your fans that we haven’t talked about yet?

MOGUAI: Do not be afraid there will be enough MOGUAI sound to go around. I will always try to reinvent myself and my sound but I always have eyes and ears for the crowd. Also there will be so many collaborations coming out it is crazy. It will be a really exciting time. It is weird but it feels like that my career is just taking off. The things that are currently happening. I have not seen before and still can not believe it. Thank you all for supporting me.

Nocturnal Times: Thank you for your time.


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