This past weekend, Seismic Dance Event once again cemented its place as one of the premiere underground boutique festivals in the United States, offering an unforgettable...
With Seismic Dance Event 2024 right around the corner, there’s a wide array of performances to look forward to throughout the upcoming three-day festival weekend. This...
Seismic Dance Event 7.0 returns to Austin, Texas from November 15-17, promising an electrifying weekend of house and techno. As always, this upcoming 7th edition will...
Seismic Dance Event, Austin’s premier house and techno event, announced a huge return to The Concourse Project today with an absolutely insane first-phase lineup. The festival...
After 14 months of not playing a single live set for fans across the globe, Spencer Brown made his grand post-lockdown music festival debut at Seismic...