This Labor Day Weekend, Electric Zoo is celebrating its seventh installment on Randall’s Island, NYC. Electric Zoo: Transformed promises a re-imagined and rejuvenated event with new...
Electric Zoo: Transformed is taking over Randall’s Island Park in New York City this Labor Day Weekend for a 3-day open air event in the heart...
With the recent unveiling of the stage lineups per day, it’s diversity each day at Electric Zoo: Transformed this year. New York’s electronic music festival announced...
The world’s largest outdoor techno festival, Awakenings, is celebrating its North American debut this Labor Day Weekend at Electric Zoo: Transformed. On September 4 & 5,...
New York’s electronic music festival celebrates its seventh installment this year—and what better way to commemorate its past editions than with a completely transformed experience? The...
Electric Zoo has announced the first round of talent slated to soundtrack the annual three-day event on Randall’s Island Park, New York. The festival, which is...
Chromeo A definite Gov Ball highlight is the return of Chromeo. Making their debut on Randall’s Island in 2012, their grand return to the grounds is...
Festival season is upon us once again. That being said, it’s only fitting that the internationally acclaimed Electric Zoo Festival return for a three-day affair at...
Governors Ball is returning to Randall’s Island Park in NYC for its fifth installment from June 5-7, 2015. Founders Entertainment is bringing the renowned Gov Ball...