Looners, known for creating magical experiences at Burning Man since their debut last year, is gearing up to bring their signature blend of creativity, community, and...
Ely Oaks is an ambitious, up-and-coming dance producer from Austria with Italian roots. He now lives in Berlin and produces with various songwriters and producers from...
Revealed records just dropped their latest triple threat, the ultimate party anthem “Yessir”. With three fan favorites combining their forces one can only be excited for...
The change of seasons from summer to autumn marks a thrilling time for the electronic dance music community ahead of the annual return of ADE. The...
At the forefront of electronic cinematic soundscapes, WHIPPED CREAM continues to solidify her position as a visionary artist, consistently delivering powerful bodies of work that push...
Kel Adore, the rising star in the electro-pop scene, returns with her latest single, “Shut It Down,” a pop-dance track that blends tropical vibes with a...
This year the famous German club Bootshaus is celebrating their 20th anniversary, throughout the year their have been all kind of special events/artists invited to celebrate...
Twin Creeks has just unveiled their latest single, “tbh.,” featuring the captivating vocals of Brooke Michelle. The track immediately grabs listeners with its vibrant, modern energy,...
On Nocturnalist 480, curated by The Nocturnal Times, we present our favorite new track selections of the week (August 19, 2024). Follow the weekly Nocturnalist playlist...
UK artists Alex Moretto, DJ Alfie Cridland and vocalist Émilie Rachel, team up for new single “Spinnin’ With You.” Rising talent Alex Moretto transitioned from future...
LA-based artist trio Cheat Codes is back with a massive new single titled “Bloom,” their collaboration with 3 x GRAMMY-winning band Train. With organic instrumentals, euphonious...
Wiwek may be known for his signature “jungle terror” sound, but he truly flexes his production prowess with his newest project – scoring for the first...
Tomorrowland is unveiling its very own Elixir of Life perfume, marking a next step in bringing the magical scent of Tomorrowland and its mythical atmosphere to...
Visionary producer duo TRY unveiled their latest single “With Me” and its accompanying music video, in collaboration with Honduran-American singer, songwriter, musician, Empress Of. A tone...
Belgian-based artist with Southern Italian roots Cellini shares his brand-new single “Anemoia”. Continuing a new chapter with a full-length album coming in 2025, “Anemoia” perfectly captures...